For the determination of the thermal resistance there are no agreed consistent or standardized international testing methods.
The thermal testing proceeding described were defined and documented in cooperation with the
Technical University Aachen (RWTH).
The testing set-up of evaluating the thermal resistance in a wind-channel is an internationally
common thermal testing rack.
The data determined in this testing are stated as the thermal resistance of the heat sink Rth or
Pv as power loss dissipated at 50 K.
Testing set-up "windchannel"
Basic set-up:
A thermocouple (copper) is fixed to the heat sink The heat sink is Der zu vermessene Kühlkörper wird fest mit dem Heizelement
verschraubt und umgedreht in den Windkanal eingebaut. Der Querschnitt des Kanals
läßt sich in Höhe und Breite an den Kühlkörper anpassen. Durch das Anemometer wird die
einströmende Luft gemessen. Der Kühlkörper wird über einen Kupfer Kontaktblock mittels
PTC Heizelemente 230V/110C an seiner Kontaktfläche auf aufgeheizt. Die zugeführte
Leistung wird durch ein Meßgerät dokumentiert. The set up of the testing apparatus for thermal evaluation of the PINBLOC heat sink is shown below
Thermal testing set up:
Important / Curcial / Central part of the testing set up is the wind tunnel of a length of 1 m. The wind tunnel is made out of transparent plexi glass to visualise the turbulences of the air flow by .... The diameter of the wind channel is apaptable in width and height to the heat sink or the individual customer situation. At the beginning of the testing the air flow and the temperature of the air is documented by an anemometer [1]. The heat sink is positioned in the middle of the wind channel
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