:: PINBLOC :: |
PINBLOC is a new alternative heat sink technology for future electronics.
PINBLOC heat sinks are characterized by a cylindrical pin pattern.
PINBLOC offers
- a superior thermal conductivity of its material ( pure aluminum - DIN EN 1050 with 220 W/mK )
- tight and homogenous microstructure in direction of the heat flow
- "broad" heat dissipating surface, optimized by a densely set pattern of pins
- favourable pattern and form of the cooling pins as far as the thermal flow is concerned
- optimized in design for natural convection or restricted heat flow
- flexibility and variety in forming
PINBLOC is especially apted for frequently changing power as well as cooling situations with
space constraints.
PINBLOC heat sinks offer an instant, efficient and outperforming cooling.
Since heat to be dissipated per square cm is increasing we also offer a combined bi metall
heat sink with a cooper base.
- solderable
- heat spreading
- thermally more efficient